Strategic Change Management and Institutional Strengthening (SMIS) Project for BAPPENAS

Strategic Change Management and Institutional Strengthening (SMIS) Project for BAPPENAS

IDF Grant No. TF099200 ID: Consulting Services for Strategic Change Management and Institutional Strengthening (SMIS) Project for BAPPENAS consist of  three project’s key stages: (i) Stage 1: Institutional Assessment; (ii) Stage 2: Change Management Plan; and Stage 3: Strengthening Core Capacities and Capabilities.



The Consultant as spearheaded by the Team Leader initiated the conduct of Key Activity 1: Conduct of Institutional Diagnostic Review under Stage 1: Institutional Assessment. There are three sub-activities which play key role in the implementation of Key Activity 1 and these are the following:

  • Review and analyze strategic planning documents such as the BR Roadmap and other BR-related documents and materials;
  • Review and analyze BR-related documents that are related to the nine (9) BR Micro Programs developed by BAPPENAS; and
  • Review and analyze the basis for strategic change management process through assessment.



Project Purpose and Objectives.

The objectives of the consulting services assignment are threefolds:

  • Objective No. 1: To help BAPPENAS design its internal change management process so that the agency can more effectively carry out their functions for evidence-based policy formulation, especially on cross-sectoral issues that require a “wholeof government” approach;
  • Objective No. 2: To transform BAPPENAS’ capacities and capabilities so that the agency can accept new challenges and new roles, which may include areas such as performance-based budgeting; 




Key Activity 1: Conduct Institutional Diagnostic Review

  • Review and analyze strategic planning documents such as Bureaucratic Reform (BR) Roadmap and other BR documents and materials.
  • Review and analyze BR documents that are related to 9 BR Micro Programs prepared by Bappenas.
  • Review and analyze the basis of strategic change management process thoroughly.


Key Activity 2: Share Experiences on Change Reforms

  • Assist Bappenas to identify and facilitate the sharing and learning from organizations with similar experience and lessons learned that are relevant to Bappenas’ change priorities(based on the institutional diagnostic review).
  • Invite organizations’ change management team as well as individual experts to share their respective experiences prior to undertaking and during the reform process.




Key Activity 1: Design Change Strategy and Processses

  • Design and develop uniform strategy by drawing contents from the results of the institutional diagnostic review
  • Identify options for change implementation by focusing on critical areas that have not been addressed in the BR roadmap prepared by Bappenas.


Key Activity 2: Design and Develop Change Management Plan

  • Confirm the change strategy that has been developed.
  • Develop change management plans and activities focusing on building the framework for change implementation.
  • Develop options for re-structuring and re-staffing all operations in the context of institutional change implementation.
  • Develop and implement a communication stratregy and plan change process.
  • Define targeted organizational structures, roles and responsibilities.
  • Develop training strategy focusing on upgrading core skills, standards, and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).


Key Activity 3: Improve the Current Strategy Maps, KPIs and Strategic Initiatives

  • Assist the Bappenas BR Team to review and improve Bappenas’ current Strategy Maps, KPIs and Strategy Initiatives.
  • Ensure that the cascading of Bappenas-wide Strategy Maps to the lowest level is correct.
  • Train Bappenas BR Team on how to develop KPIs in each strategic objectives in each cascaded level and develop individual KPIs.


Key Activity 4: Design Performance Management System (PMS)

  • Assist the Bappenas BR Team to design a new performance management system using the balanced scorecard methodology.
  • Conduct strategic consultations with multi-level and multi-sector stakeholders and respondents from Bappenas.



Key Activity 5: Modernize Human Resources Management

  • Assist the Bappenas BR Team to prepare a solid concept, plan and design for the modernization of the Human Resources Management of Bappenas.
  • Conduct strategic consultations with multi-level and multi-sector stakeholders and respondents from Bappenas.



Key Activity 1: Deliver Core Technical Skills and Soft Skills Trainings

  • Focus on both hard (technical) skills training and on the soft (managerial) skills training
  • Ensure that the enhanced soft skills training will support the horizontal and vertical coordination across government.
  • Enable Bappenas staff to coordinate with implementing agencies and ensure the enhancement of staff.

Key Activity 2: Monitor and Evaluate the Implementation of Trainings

  • Deliver training of trainers workshop for communication and change management implementation.
  • Monitor the implementation and evaluate the effectiveness of the training program.
  • Assist Bappenas in the preparation of terms of reference for the different training providers that will be selected by Bappenas to undertake the training.




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