IBRD Loan No. 8010-ID: Scholarships Program for Strengthening the Reforming Institutions (SPIRIT) Project RE-ENTRY STRATEGIC CONSULTANCY SERVICES
Project Rationale. This World Bank-funded Scholarship Program for Strengthening the Reforming Institutions (SPIRIT) Project has been designed to provide foreign and domestic degree (Ph.D. and M.Sc.) and non-degree training for key public sector agencies with the overall objective of building the agencies’ capacity by: (a) strengthening their human resources in core functional areas; and (b) enhancing their ability to initiate and manage reforms. The Project has a three-pronged approach, firstly; it is specifically targeted at strategically important central agencies, which are considered integral in the Government’s national priority of improving “soft infrastructure”; secondly, the program is limited to a few agencies so as not to dilute the training and to enable the limited resources to develop a critical mass of skilled and reform-minded staff within an agency; and thirdly, the criterion for agency participation in the program is the preparation and implementation of a good quality Human Capital Development Plan (HCDP).
Project Purpose and Objectives. The World Bank-funded SPIRIT Project seeks to provide the required technical services to improve human resources management practices in selected agencies or participating agencies on re-entry strategies program development and implementation. Indicated below are the objectives of this consulting services assignment:
- Objective No. 1: Develop a policy and strategic plan to ensure the smooth re-integration of scholars returning from post-graduate studies (domestic or abroad);
- Objective No. 2: Develop a plan to ensure the sharing and broad dissemination of skills and knowledge acquired by scholars amongst relevant work colleagues; and
- Objective No. 3: Make recommendations for improving the human resources management practices of the participating agencies, including changes to pertinent national regulations, far the effective career development of the scholars.
Key Stakeholders/ 11 Participating Agencies (PAs). Taking into consideration the effectiveness of delivering carefully-tailored messages to specific key stakeholders, the Consultant will strategically implement specific activities that can appropriately fit for these stakeholders. All participating agencies have prepared their respective HCPDs and have began using them as the guiding documents for training and capacity development. Re-entry, placement, and career development policies and procedures, while initiated as part of the HCPDs, however are at present not equally developed in the participating agencies. The 11 PAs for this project are the following:
- Ministry of Finance (MoF);
- Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas);
- National Civil Service Agency (BKN);
- Investment Coordination Board (BPKM);
- Supreme Audit Board (BPK);
- Financial and Development Advisory Board (BPKP);
- National Land Agency (BPN);
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA);
- Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoIA);
- National Institute of Public Administration (LAN); and
- Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment & Bureaucracy Reforms (KemenPAN & RB).
Specifically during the consulting services implementation, each member of the consultant team has its designated areas and client-specific institutions such as the following:
- Dr. Darmin A. Pella, S.Psi., MM. (Senior Consultant No. 1 and Team Leader) – In-charge and has coordinated with BAPPENAS (Badan Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Nasional), and KEMENPAN-RB (Kementarian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi); and BKN (Badan Kepegawaian Nasional)
- Dinarwulan Sutoto, M.Si. (Senior Consultant No. 2) – In-charge and has coordinated with KEMENLU (Kementarian Luar Negeri); KEMENDAGRI (Kementerian Dalam Negeri); and BPN (Badan Pertanahan Nasional)
- Affifah Inayati, S.Psi., MM. (Consultant No. 3) – In-charge and has coordinated with BPKP (Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan); and BPK (Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan)
- Ade Achmad Rozi, SE., MBA. (Consultant No. 4) – In-charge and has coordinated with KEMENKEU (Kementarian Keuangan), and BKPM (Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal); and LAN (Lembaga Administrasi Negara)
Key Tasks. This project has been designed to provide foreign and domestic degree (Ph.D. and M.Sc.) and non-degree training for key public sector agencies with the enhanced human resources development and management program through the conduct of the following tasks:
- Key Task No. 1: Mapping of the human resource management practices in each of the 11 agencies pertaining to: (a) staff appointment and placement; (b) performance evaluation; (c) staff promotion; (d) staff rotation; and (e) talent management of the respective agencies including taking stock of what has been achieved and what are the main constraints to fulfill the Vision, Mission and Goals of the agency;
- Key Task No. 2: Mapping of the human resource management practices pertaining to how the staff who have acquired additional education and/or trainings are placed upon their return to the agency, and what career development policies are in place;
- Key Task No. 3: Analysis of agency human resource data to examine patterns of recruitment, retention, development, rotation and career progression;
- Key Task No. 4: Review of the existing national policy and regulatory framework to identify constraints to improved agency human resource management and changes necessary to enhance the impact of the program’s capacity development, such as in the area of recruitment, selection, performance evaluation, reward management, rotation, career management and training policy;
- Key Task No. 5: Based on the above analysis, recommendations to the agencies to develop improve human resource management policies and procedures. In particular, talent management so that staffs with upgraded skills are best utilized and have access to a clear career path;
- Key Task No. 6: Preparation and implementation of a series of workshops and other “socialization” activities to ensure all relevant stakeholders are appropriately informed about the analysis and recommendations;
- Key Task No. 7: Provide some best practices in the area of development from leading corporations of state-owned enterprises in Indonesia that the consultant could share with all the participating agencies so that they will be inspired to do the practices differently; and
- Key Task No. 8: Provide some technical assistance to the participating agencies in the construction of the re-entry program as an integrated part of the agency’s placement, talent management, and career development system.
In relation to these client visits and its corresponding activities, the Team Leader accompanied the Consultant’s team of experts in a series of institutional consultations and coordinations with the 11 Participating Agencies (PAs) during this period of project implementation.
Furthermore, the consultant team also successfully managed the technical review, analysis, and evalution of the following aspects of human resources development, such as the following:
- Recruitment – Manpower planning, Job descriptions, Recruitment selection procedures, Interviewer competence, Ability to recruit the high quality employee/compensation of new employee;
- Training – Set-up curriculum/Level of compulsory training and training related to career;
- Performance Appraisal – Quality indicator for key performance, Individual work plan, Coaching and counseling, Performance evaluation system, and Performance evaluation Link to compensation;
- Career – Clearness of career field, Availability of career path, Individual career planning, and Availability and Consistency of people review;
- Rotation and Promotion – Clearness of procedures and Criteria of rotation or transfer, and Clearness of procedures and Criteria for promotion;
- Talent Management – Clearness of key position, Clearness talent criteria, Talent selection system, Talent mapping and Groups of talent, and Development to speed-up talent;
- Retention and Management Rewards – Clear policy on compensation, Compensation-based on performance, and Motivation program and Individual appreciation;
- Human Resources Information System – Human Resources Information System (HRIS) Software, All transactions recorded by HRIS (salary, leave, etc.), HRIS applications on recruitment, HRIS applications on training, HRIS application on performance evaluation, HRIS applications on career and career planning, HRIS applications on rotation and promotion, HRIS application on talent management, HRIS application on reward management, and Communication media to discuss employee problems.